Simple and Easy Data Entry

Data entry is simplified to save time.

  1. Enter Task Name.
  2. Choose Task as Subtask if it is one.
  3. Assign the task to a resource
  4. Enter Planned Start date and duration. Plan End Date will be calculated by the template.
  5. For Actuals, enter change in duration if there is variance from plan.
  6. Enter Actual Start date only if there is variance from plan.

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – Data Entry

Optional inputs are available to meet your additional needs.

  1. You can flag certain tasks as Milestones.
  2. You can track % Work complete
  3. A custom column is available to track additional information on each task.

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – Optional Data Input

Enter Holidays and Weekends

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – Holidays

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – Weekends

% Complete

There are two options here. You can use the % of Work Days Complete that is automatically calculated as ‘number of work days of actual work done as of today’ divided by ‘number of work days of actual work scheduled for the task’. Or you can choose to enter your own ‘% Work Complete’ in the input table (shown above).

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – % Complete

It will appear on the Gantt Chart with conditional formatting showing 0% complete as Red, 100% complete as Green and in between as Yellow. You can also decide to not to show any % Complete information by choosing blank in the drop down menu. It’s all about user control.  

Control tasks to display

You can choose not to show certain tasks on the Gantt chart by entering Y in the ‘Remove from Display’ field in the Data entry sheet. 

Also, on the Gantt Chart itself, you have several options.

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – Filter Types

Choose to view only Summary Level, only Milestones or all tasks. You can also easily filter to delayed tasks (Actual End Date > Plan End Date) and Incomplete tasks (Actual End Date > Today).

In addition, choose a specific resource and only see the tasks assigned to that resource.

Gantt Chart Maker – Google Sheet Template – Resource Tasks


You can assign each task a color. You can also assign each resource a color. 10 colors are available.

On the Gantt Chart, you can choose to view default colors, task colors or resource colors. It’s all up to what view you would like to present for the specific purpose. Of course, you can switch back and forth as needed. 


The Gantt chart is set ready to print. If you would like to print only a portion, you can change the print settings in Google Sheet as usual. You can also export to PDF and share.