The Power BI Template has 29 metrics calculated and ready for use. 

  1. Headcount
    • Active Employee Count at the End of the date range. If no date filters are applied, this will be the latest active employee count.
  2. Average Headcount
    • Average Headcount during the date range selected. (Starting Headcount + Ending Headcount)/2
  3. Average Tenure
    • Average of Tenures of Active Employees
  4. Performance Reviews
    • Number of performance reviews during the date range
  5. Skill needed Employees
    • Distinct count of employees that are active now and have an expected skill level of not None in at least one skill.
  6. Underskilled Employees
    • # of active Employees with at least one skill at a level less than expected skill level.  
  7. Underskilled Employees %
    • % of employees that are underskilled and need to upskill. [Underskilled Employees/Skill Needed Employees]
  8. High Performers %
    • % of employees with High performance score for the period chosen or the date range. (High Performers/ Total number of Performance Reviews)
  9. Low Performers %
    • % of employees with Low performance score for the period chosen or the date range. (Low Performers/ Total number of Performance Reviews)
  10. Median Tenure
    • Median of Tenures of Active Employees as of end of selected period
  11. Median Tenure at Exit 
    • Median tenure of employees who exited during date range. Tenure measured as of exit date.
  12. Median Age
    • Median of Age, as of end of selected period, of Active Employees
  13. Voluntary Exits
    1. Distinct count of employees who exited during the date range with exit type Voluntary (ID 1)
  14. Involuntary Exits
    1. Distinct count of employees who exited during the date range with exit type ID 2 (involuntary).
  15. Voluntary Turnover Rate
    1. Voluntary Exits during date range / Average Headcount during date range. Average headcount =  [(Active employees at start + Active employees at end)/2]
  16. Involuntary Turnover Rate
    • Involuntary Exits during date range / Average Headcount during date range. Average headcount = [(Active employees at start + Active employees at end)/2]
  17. Maximum Annual Salary
    • Maximum of Actual Salaries of Active Employees as of End of selected period
  18. Minimum Annual Salary
    • Minimum of Actual Salaries of Active Employees as of end of selected period
  19. Median Salary at Review
    • Median of salaries of employees as of the performance review date based on reviews conducted during the review periods selected.
  20. Median Annual Salary
    • Median of salaries of employees active at end of period selected
  21. Total Annual Salary
    • Sum of salaries of employees active at end of period selected
  22. Average Annual Salary
    • Average of Annual Salaries of active employees at any point of time
  23. Total Exits
    •  Distinct count of employees who exited during the date range.
  24. Retention Rate
    • Out of Employees who were active at start of date range, how many were active as of end of date range. Expressed as %.  Should have started prior to date range.
  25. Turnover Rate
    • Total Exits during date range / [(Active employees at start + Active employees at end)/2]; Employees at start will be employees as of start date of range.
  26. Starting Headcount
    • Active Employee Count at the Beginning of the date range selected.
  27. Total Starts
    • Distinct Count of employees who started during the date range.
  28. Regrettable Exits
    • Number of employees who exited voluntarily the company during date range with a regrettable exit
  29. Regrettable Exits %
    • % of regerettable exits out of all voluntary exits during date range