Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Class Attendance Report
Track student attendance and create attendance reports instantly using this Google Sheet Template.
To use as an attendance register tool
To create class attendance reports
To create student attendance reports
Can be used in schools and educational institutions
Google Drive account to make individual user copy.
Can track attendance for up to 100 students
Customizable academic window (up to 366 working days)
Choice for Weekends: You can choose which days of the week and which week days of a month are considered weekends (holidays).
Any number of Holidays can be entered
Customizable tracking (You can choose what you want to track – Present, Absent, Late, Excused, etc.)
Can handle attendance taken once or twice per day
Set default attendance value thus minimizing data entry
Customizable ‘pass requirement’ for attendance rate
Ready to print Class and Student Attendance Reports
Allows 2 student fields of your own to appear in report
Identify students with least attendance rate easily
Easy to change logo with your own
The template has four sheets 1) Settings 2) Attendance Register 3) Class Attendance Report and 4) Student Attendance Report.
Step 1: Enter information in settings
Step 2: Enter information daily in the Attendance Register worksheet.
Step 3: Go to Class Attendance Report to view and print Class Attendance Report
Step 4: Go to Student Attendance Report to view and print Student Attendance Report
Enter School and Class Information. You can set the minimum attendance required.
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Enter School Information
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Enter Class Information
Enter the academic period begin and end dates.
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Enter Academic Period Dates
The template can support attendance taken once a day or twice a day. If you would track attendance twice per day, enter 2 and then enter a name for the second instance. If attendance is taken twice per day, each instance will equal half a day.
By default, AM will be the name for the first instance. You can change the name if you would like. This will appear in the Attendance Register.
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Number of times Attendance is taken
Set the weekend days in your school. In the image below, you can see that all Sundays and second Saturday of every month are considered as weekends. These days will not be available in the Attendance Register. The template makes it easy for you by avoiding these days while entering attendance.
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Set School’s Weekends
In addition to weekends, you can also enter holidays and these days too will be removed from the Attendance Register. Please note that it is recommended that you enter holidays that are in the future and not in the past.
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Enter School’s Holidays
You can have up to 5 different values by which you are tracking attendance. By default, P is for Present and A is for Absent. Both P and A are considered to be Working days but P is counted as Attended while A is considered not attended. You can change these to suit your needs. You can also add more values (for example L for Late, E for excused, etc.).
Customize Attendance Tracking Values
Let’s consider an example where you have some students who don’t have school on Wednesdays, but other students do. In that case, you can create a value (let’s say N) and mark it as WORKDAY = 0 and ATTENDANCE = 0. For those students who don’t have school on Wednesdays, you can mark the attendance with N. This would make sure that the attendance rate for those students are calculated correctly.
To help with data entry, you can enter a default value. In the template, it is set as P. You can change it if needed. So, when we go to the Attendance Register, if you don’t mark any value for a student, it will be considered as P. This saves a lot of time since you only have to mark absent students (which is usually fewer).
Set Default Attendance Tracking Value to Auto populate
The template can handle up to 100 students. Data entry is very easy. Enter Student name and start marking attendance.
There are placeholders for two custom fields. For example, you can use them to track student numbers or other student information. These will appear in the Student Attendance report which we will see later. If you would not need the fields, just clear the content (FLD 1 and FLD 2).
Student Attendance Register Format in Google Sheets
You can view and print class attendance report. It is fully automated. You can see the summary 1) Number of Students, 2) Number of Working Days, 3) Overall Attendance Rate 4) Number of Students not meeting requirements. You can also see the monthly breakdown of number of working days and attendance rates.
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Class Attendance Report
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Class Report – Attendance Rate
The template also shows the best performing and least performing students (with respect to attendance rate).
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Class Report – Best performing Students
Student Attendance Register Google Sheet Template – Class Report – Least performing Students
Printable Class Attendance Report – Monthly attendance rates for students
The second page in the class attendance report provides student summary. It shows 50 students at a time. You can use the page drop down to choose the next page to view the next 50 students.
You can print individual student attendance report by choosing student name. It is fully automated and does not require any data entry.
Printable Student Attendance Report – Choose Student
Printable Student Attendance Report – Header
Printable Student Attendance Report – Monthly attendance rates
The student attendance report provides the summary of student’s attendance. It will also show whether the student has met the attendance requirements. You can also see the monthly attendance rates.
In addition, daily attendance will also be displayed. This ensures that the single page report provides all necessary information about the student.
Both reports have placeholders for teacher signatures.
Printable Student Attendance Report – Daily attendance tracking