The 3 steps to create your own 9 Box Grid are detailed below:



  1. Enter the Settings sheet details.

  2. Enter the Employee data on the Employee Data sheet

  3. View / interact with the 9 Box Grid sheet which automatically updates.


Let's take a detailed look into these steps:


  1. Settings sheet:

This sheet contains a standard 9-Box Grid format, as per your organizational requirements, kindly customize the below:

  1. The 2 axes - Performance and Potential as given as default

  2. The 3 levels for each axes - Low, Moderate, and High are default.

  3. Define names for each box (quadrant) - defaults are as in the image below.

  4. Define descriptions for each box.




2. Employee Data sheet

  1. On this sheet, you are required to enter the list of all employees and their attributes.

  2. Please note that Employee ID is a required field (to be filled in mandatorily) - can be numeric or alpha-numeric.

  3. Department, Business unit, Grade, Location, and Manager fields can be used to filter out data, as explained later.

  1. Further to the right of the sheet, please fill in the Performance and Potential of each employee which will be a drop-down list (as per the settings data chosen by you)


3. 9 Box Grid sheet

Once steps 1 and 2 are completed, you should be able to view your organization's 9 Box Grid fully automated.

This contains the Grid with the total count and % of employees in each box and the bar graph of the % of each box for better visual understanding.


You can also view the employees in each of the 9 Box Grids at the right. Up to 10 employees can be viewed here.

The Grid is also dynamic, with the filters on top, you can view the box specific to either Department, Business unit, Grade, Location, and Manager or any combination of these filters.