The steps below help you create your Salary structure calculator for your organization.


  1. Choose input scenario  

  2. Enter details relevant to the chosen scenario

  3. View the automatically created Salary structure 

1. Choose input scenario: This template supports 5 input methods, choose based on the inputs you have pertaining to your organization.

If you’d like to know more about the various options, kindly refer to the “Salary Structure Explained” page. 

2. For every scenario, enter the details for each grade or job level as per your organizational standards.

Scenario I: Enter Lowest Midpoint, Midpoint Differential % and Spread%

Scenario II: Enter Salary Midpoints, and Spread%

Scenario III: Enter Market Rate, Target Percentile  %, and Spread%

Scenario IV: Enter Salary Minimums and Salary Maximums

Scenario V: Enter Lowest Midpoint, Highest Midpoint %, and Spread%

3. Salary Structure Generated

With the inputs given, the required salary structure is generated automatically in the “Salary Structure” sheet with different charts for visual representation.

Salary ranges by Grade are represented in a vertical display

Salary ranges by Grade are represented in a horizontal display

Salary Midpoints by Grade with Midpoint Differential 

Salary Range by Grade with Spread %


Salary Range by Grade with Overlap%