1. Enter Settings in the SETTINGS, and 9 BOX GRID sheets - customizable per your organizational requirements
2. Enter the List of Employees and relevant details in the EMPLOYEES
3. Enter any changes in Employee data in the EMPLOYEE UPDATES sheets
4. Enter the Performance details in the PERFORMANCE sheet
5. View the fully automated Dashboard
Detailed Understanding of each Step
1. Enter Settings
In the Settings sheet, you can enter the values, relevant to your organization, for each of the key fields which shall be used in our Dashboard.
Enter the data for Gender, Hire Source and Ethnicity fields.
Enter list of Office Locations and list of Departments and Job classification fields (Job Type, Job Category and Job Level).
Enter list of Job Titles and Salary grades as defined by your organization.
Enter list of Exit reasons you want to capture from employees who are leaving the company.
Enter list of Performance Review periods and review date.
Group ages into a bucket/group under Age group, and similarly for Tenure groups. Tenure is the duration of time the employee has been employed in the company.
9 Box Grid Settings
You can define the names of the 9 boxes, in the 9 BOX GRID sheet.

2. Enter Employee Data
In the EMPLOYEES sheet, Enter list of all employees in your company.

- Each employee should have a unique Employee Number.
- Each Employee should have a start date (date when they joined the company) and Date of birth (used for reporting on age)
- Gender and Ethnicity are used for Diversity reporting
- Office Location and Department fields are used in reporting within specific departments and locations.
- Jobs can be classified in 3 levels – Job Type, Job Category, Job level. In addition Job Title defines the employee’s specific job title.
- Manager name will be one of the employees in the company.
- Salary and Grade at the time of starting are entered.
3. Employee Updates
When an employee profile changes, please enter the new information in the EMPLOYEE UPDATES sheet.
Choose Employee, enter the effective date of profile change, and reason.
Choose a reason why the employee’s profile changed. For example, when an employee gets promoted, gets a salary increase, or changes teams.
4. Performance Reviews
Enter the data on Performance Reviews of employees, in the PERFORMANCE sheet.
Against each employee, select the Performance level and the potential from the drop-down list. The corresponding 9 Box quadrant is automatically calculated.
4. View Dashboard
Once the data are entered, view the fully automated and interactive Dashboard.
Performance Dashboard
For a given review period, view the different mix of performers (Low/Moderate/High) in each Grade, and within a set of analysis dimensions like Department, Ethnicity, Location, Job Type, Job Category, etc.,
You can also view the Median salary by performance for Tenure and Grade.
Performance Trend Report
View the performance mix trend over time for the performance levels, within various analysis dimensions like Ethnicity, Location, Department, Job Level, Job Title, etc.,
9 Box Grid
Identify the current talent, analyze potential leaders, and have succession planning in place with the 9-Box grid.
View the number of reviews, the percentage of employees in each grid, and also the list of employees in each grid.
Each of these dashboards can be further drilled down for deeper analysis and insights using the different filters given:
With these simple steps and minimal, hassle-free data entry, your own HR Performance Dashboard Google Sheet Template is ready within minutes.