In this article, we will walk through step by step on how to use the Stock Screener Excel Template

Step 1: Enter time zone offset

The template shows the last traded date-time for any stock symbol. By default the date-time is in UTC. In order for this time to match time zone of your location, we need to provide a conversion (or offset) from UTC to your time zone. 

If you know your time zone offset enter in the placeholder as shown below. You can verify by checking the current time displayed in the template.  

If you don't know the offset, please follow the instructions below. 

For example, I am in Pacific Time Zone,  I visit and enter my location as Seattle, USA. It will provide the time difference. 

For me, UTC is 7 hours ahead of my time zone. If UTC is ahead of our time zone, then we should enter negative value.  Hence I would enter the offset as -7.

In your case, if UTC is behind your time zone, then you would enter a positive value.

Timeframe: Also, enter the time frame (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) for which you need the stock data. This might take a few seconds for Microsoft to fetch the data.

Step 2: Review and Enter Parameters for Indicators 

This template provides 25 technical indicators and they come with default values for the parameters. You can modify the same according to your preferences.

We have also provided links to support articles on for each of these indicators, for more technical explanations. 

If you have any queries, please write to [email protected] 

Step 3: Enter Stock Symbols in Signal Screener sheet

Enter the list of stocks you need in the watchlist column in the signal screener sheet. 

Note: This template supports up to 200 stock ticker symbols

Once entered, refresh the watchlist using the "Run Screener" button.

The buy/sell/neutral signals based on the indicators as chosen in Step 2 will get populated as shown:

Value Screener

To analyze or modify the indicators to match your needs, we have multiple numeric filters in the Value screener sheet, as below:

Step 4: Chart Analysis: viewing technical indicators and charts for a particular stock

In the Chart analysis sheet, select the ticker symbol of the particular stock you need a detailed analysis for, from the drop-down list.

History Duration: 

To control how much stock history is needed to be displayed in charts, you can choose from the slicer buttons  (5 days, Month to Date, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, Year to date, 1 year, and 2 Years

Once the stock ticker symbol and duration are given, the template will display 25 technical indicators of the selected stock. 

For example, if we are viewing in daily timeframe, it will be the last reported date and the prior date.

In this screenshot taken on 7th February 2023, it displays the values for 6th Feb and 7th Feb . The Signal shown (Neutral/Buy/Sell) is for 7th February.

Step 5: Technical analysis using charts

There are 5 charts available in the template. Let us look at them one by one.

Candlestick Chart:

As the name indicates, it displays the candles for the selected period for the chosen ticker symbol.

There is no information related to any technical indicators in this chart. 

Signal Chart

This chart shows the trading signals on the closing price line. 

You will choose any indicator from the 25 indicators in the drop down on the top right above the chart.

In this screenshot, we are looking at EMA indicator and we can see the Sell signals as red circles and Buy signals as green circles.

Multiple Indicators Chart

The next chart allows plotting indicators which can be plotted on the same axis as the closing price.

The specialty of this chart is that you can choose two indicators at the same time. 

In the screenshot above, we have chosen Bollinger Bands as well as EMA Crossover indicators. 

In addition, the black line shows the closing price and this line can be hidden if needed using the choice in the top middle above the chart. Show Close or Hide Close. 

More charts (Chart #4 and Chart #5)

We also have provided 2 more charts one above the other. You can plot any of the 25 indicators in each of these charts.

In the above screenshot, I have chosen RSI in the top chart and MACD in the bottom chart.