Regarding slicers, please note that we cannot copy and paste any slicer from one dashboard to another due to the following reason:

The retention dashboard template has two different types of slicers and each slicer is different in each sheet.

The slicers in Retention Dashboard are Excel table slicer and the slicers in Snapshot Dashboard and Exit dashboard is from pivot tables.

While the Snapshot Dashboard slicers are linked with multiple pivot tables which are populated with active employees and exit dashboard slicers are populated with multiple pivot tables which are populated with Exit Employees. 

The active employee pivot tables and exit employee pivot tables can be identified with the name of the table on the Table ribbon. (Unhide the pivots sheet to view the same)


Due to these underlying factors in creating/using a slicer, simply copying and pasting a slicer won't work.

Instead, to create a new slicer, please follow the below steps:

1. Unhide the HELP sheet and pivots sheet by right clicking on any of the sheet names.

If you want to add a slicer to Retention Dashboard:

Click on any cell inside the table, then click on "Table Design" which appears on the toolbar, then insert a new slicer


If you want to add a slicer to the snapshot dashboard or exit dashboard:

Click any of the active employee pivot tables for the snapshot dashboard or exit employee pivot for the exit dashboard.