Before setting up the parameters, please note the following:

1. All of the Sales person data files to be present in a "Data" folder in SharePoint.

2. All the sales persons should have a view access to the Settings file

3. Please do not delete or rename any columns in these files.

When you open the Power BI template, you should edit the parameters as shown below.

Once you click on this, you'll see a Pop-up with four parameters, of these do not edit the "SampleFileParameter".

The DataFolderPath: Is the folder path of the "Data" folder within which all the individual sales person data are stored. 

1. You can get this by clicking on the "Data" folder, then by clicking on the "Info" icon to the right:

2. Then, from the bottom, click on "More Details" and then copy the Path:

Similarly, follow the above steps for the SettingsFilePath

Now for the RootFolderPath, choose theSharePoint URL till the Parent folder only:

After successfully entering parameters, click on Apply changes.

If you receive any errors in Power BI, please try again to apply changes.  It sometimes takes a couple of attempts by Power BI to establish connection.

This is a one-time connection that you make with Power BI. Whenever there is any change to the Excel file data, just open Power BI and hit Refresh to pull the latest data from Excel to Power BI.

Kindly ensure to enable field parameters in Power BI.