In Version 2.0 of the Resouce Capacity Lite template, the default conditional formatting available on the Project or Resource View, or Calendar is for 100 rows of data only.

This means once the data exceeds the 100th row in each of these sheets, the conditional formatting on these rows won't be applied. This can be modified easily by following the steps as shown here:

For example, consider the PROJECT VIEW sheet, where there is no formatting available after the 105th row as shown:

There are different sets of rules applied for all the columns. To apply this to more cells, follow the steps here:

Click on any cell in the any of the dates column that has formatting applied, from the Home Ribbon go to Conditional Formatting, then click on Manage Rules

This opens up a pop-up that shows the list of rules that are applicable and the cell range these rules applies to as shown:

From this, click on the upward arrow against each rule to increase the range as follows:

Increase the cell range by clicking and dragging the required range.

Repeat the same for all the rules that come in the pop-up. With this, the conditional formatting will be applied for the required row counts.