
1) Monthly Microsoft subscription to get market data. learn more.

2) Internet connection to get market data from Microsoft 

How to use the template? 

In the RSI Backtester sheet, please enter these 5 inputs. 


1. Symbol

    a. Enter your stock symbol. For example, for Tesla in NASDAQ, we enter XNAS:TSLA. Please see this article for detailed instructions on how to enter symbol in Excel.

2. Backtesting period/window

    a. Choose the start and end dates of your backtesting period

3. Investment Amount/Capital

    a. Enter an amount as trading capital that will be used by the template to invest in trading during the backtesting period.

4. RSI settings

    a. The moving averages’ parameters can be customized. For more on RSI technical indicator, please see this article.

5. Trading Strategy Actions

    a. For the two signal events, choose your strategy (entry/exit).

Overview of the Template Output

Report Card

The report card shows the overall summary and whether the trading strategy is better than “buy and hold” approach.

You can also see the latest signal if any on the specific stock. This will help decide if you want to take any trading action in the market right now.

Trades – Trends

Timeline view of when the trades are made as part of the strategy

Equity change over time

Cumulative Profit/Loss

Summary of Metrics

List of Trades

You can see the complete list of trades with all the details. 

Chart Analysis

RSI Chart

You can use the checkboxes on the top of the chart to enable/disable specific lines on the chart.

Candlestick Chart

The standard candlestick chart with volume bars are displayed as well.